December 21, 2016 – Solstice Day, Honoring The Family


We stand again, friends. The second flame rises with Belenus, with the Sun. He left us to journey through the below and rose again this morning, pulling a great quilt of rain behind him over the land. Today is not only a holy day of great joy, celebrating the return of the Sun to the sky, but it is also a night to honor family. Family takes many forms, particularly today. Family is blood and spirit, near and far.

Tonight’s ritual is devoted to all those relationships of special meaning to our hearts and lives. As the light of the fires grows on our altar we honor those who make our world shine by sharing it with us.

The lantern is lit, the flame shared to the first two candles of Yule.

On this, the second night of Yule we honor those people whom we call family.
Our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers,
our aunts and uncles and cousins,
our life partners and our children.
Whether by blood and bone or by heart and hand,
we honor those whom we call our tribe.
We call to the Earthmother that she may provide for them, to ensure they never know hunger.

An offering of corn meal is given.

We call to the Skyfather that he may shine upon their path, that they may know wisdom and direction.

Oil is censed for offering.

We call out to the Gods and Goddesses, that they know safety, security, and be made whole and holy, healed swiftly from all ails.

An offering of wine is made.

Kindreds all, accept our offerings!

This morning I woke up far, far too early. One one hand it was pretty necessary for me to witness the sunrise for my first observed Winter Solstice, but it was also necessary because I had to leave for work. It was one of those blessed moments of synchronicity coupled with a level of exhaustion just right enough to let the magic flow in and out.

As I have done for each day of Yule thus far I spent time on my commute for prayer, thought, and love and shared my sentiments as such with my internet friends and family:

“We’ve survived the long night without being devoured by wolves, the light of the sky is kindled once more, and we shake the coat of snow from our bodies as we stand again in the Earthmother’s embrace.

As we light the second flame of Yule we honor family. In this time of instant international correspondence many of us find our families more full than ever before. Family inspires and supports, embraces and throws, shouts and soothes. Family makes us whole. Life is ever so much more powerful when tied to many others.

Those I call family are nearly too many to name, but I wish to honor you all on this holy occasion.

Terri Jarvis, Earl Whitbeck, Mike Jarvis and Karen, the tree of my blood… For without them I would still be a mote of dust in the stars.

Linda Watson-Jacobs and her husband, Mark.

Kyle Jacobs, Tom, and Dave Morris.

My life-mate Tristan and those that brought him to the world, Debbie Gehman and Dave. Jay and Teo and their branches too.

Raymond Benninger and Michael for always being there for me.

John and David Jr Warriner and their circle for so many laughs and support.

Lauren Neuman, Grey Catsidhe, Michael Talvola, and so many other brothers and sisters in faith.

Laura Bertrand and her husband and son, a family I thought I’d never have in my adult years.

Of course all of my family at work in all lands and lines of businesses, whom I truly feel priveliged to know.

Blessings be too to my MMO families through the year. To Sword and Quill, my friends with the Thundering Hammer, dear old friends of The Broomstick Gang and of course all the magical girls of Tiro Finale who adopted me as an honorary magical girl early in 2014 when I was broken and full of despair, in fear I might never walk again.

Last but not least Matthew Johnson who met me many moons ago under false pretenses and is stuck with me whether he likes it or not. (I still feel embarrassed about the whole Marr thing)

Family is a strange and powerful thing. A field of many seeds, trees begetting trees, plants blending and blooming all together, giving shade for one another. Be you bear or squirrel or deciduous giant we still share this home together and we’d be but a barren wasteland without each other.

Blessings be to my family and the families of our families on this bright and beautiful day of praise.”

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